Sunday, April 3, 2016

Blog Post #1: Developing a technology plan

Imagine you are in a new school and are in charge of developing the technology plan. Which of the following areas of the plan do you feel least confident in implementing: tools, personnel, pedagogy, or professional learning? Listen to the interview and briefly explain the area you feel least confident in implementing and explain what area of the technology plan you would develop first.

In listening to the interview on, I was really impressed with the three Educational Technolgoy specialists and what they had to say about technology in their school and what their Technology Manual, titled, Don’t Just Do It, "which takes readers through 12 steps it takes to build a truly comprehensive program from the ground up."

If I were in charge of developing a technolgy plan for a new school, I feel professional learning is an area that I would feel the least confident in. I am someone who is currently learning new technology that will help me in my teaching, but I like to get good at one tecnhnology before I move on to the next. There are educators out there that are "pace setters" in technology and are always one step ahead of the rest. They are in tune with the latest and greatest. Due to the fact that anything you want to learn now, you can Google it, I would have to ask myself, what can I provide as a professional learning tool in technology that someone cant' get in a YouTube video in five minutes?

The area I would implement first would be personnel. As Michael Pelletier states in the interview, when asked, "do you get the right people first or determine the right process?" He states, "you try to do both, but if you can't do both, I find the right team first because once you have the right team, you'll be able to get to the other."

I find this so true. Being able to paint a vision and getting the right people in place is crucial. You have to be able to know people and know what you are looking for in a team. I think that goes the same in many things. I'm looking for those team members who are the epitome of 21st century learners and applying those skills. They think critically, they collaborate, they communicate, those are the right people. Whether I am building a technology plan, fielding a soccer team, doing an obstacle course challenge, or building a house, I want those kind of people on my team. The rest will take care of itself if they are successful with those skills.


1 comment:

  1. Although the professional learning is the area you feel least confident in, you do have a lot of experience with it. You were one of our "best customers" in the FishBowl, and you know how a successful program can work. I'm sure you have also seen other programs that don't work so well. I do agree with you that if you have a great team in place, they can take care of the rest.
